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For over 25 years PDM Consulting (PDMC) has enabled leading companies become Greater than they thought they could be, through the application of proprietary service lines and a systemic view of the world. PDM Consulting achieves this through the use of the Unified Systems Theory (UST), a break through technology that mergest advances in Artificial Intelligence, Complexity Theory, and Chaos Mathematics to create and optimize creative and operational tasks in a variety of fields.

The story of the UST can be found here.

Our practice areas:

Greater Topline – Using the Autoventions process, PDMC has developed disruptive products and services for many customers.  Unique in its approach, PDMC leverages the use of the Unified Systems Theory to accurately project customer adoption rates, life cycle, and competative threats.

Greater Operations – Using the Unified Systems Theory, PDMC has dramatically improved corporate bottom lines in short order.  More than just “Lean” or “Six-Sigma”, the Unified Manufacturing Theory turns the chaos of operations into a predictable, sustainable, and ultimately hugely profitable business.

Greater ROI – Expanding upon the Unified Systems Theory in 2004, PDMC has worked to improve the financial health of companies.  PDM Consulting has done extensive work in equity investment, turn-around, and corporate recapitalization, to help companies maximize both the yearly bottom line and the return on their investments. This work has been also applied to corporate treasury functions to optimize the maximize the returns on investments through portfolio optimization and market prediction.

Contact us to see how we can make your business greater.